Methods of Instruction

Christ is the example of teaching in terms of methodology and meaningful interpersonal relationships. (Knight, 1989. p 195) Christian Epistemology deals with the way people come to know things. This therefore has a direct effect on the selection of teaching methodologies. (Knight, 1989. p 169) Teachers should utilize those methodologies that will further the goal of returning to imago dei.

The bible gives us two methodologies: Old Testament Methodology, which captivates naturally curious minds when they are ready and New Testament Methodology, Parable illustration that uses great story telling allowing listeners to use inductive reasoning to draw their own conclusions.

New Testament theory is followed by putting what you have learned into practice. This is an example of The Cognitive Learning Theory which views learning as an active mental process of acquiring, remembering, and using knowledge. Learning is evidenced by a change in knowledge which can lead to a change in behavior. This idea also borrows from Constructivism. Constructivism is the theory that students learn by building upon what they already know. They construct ideas from their own experiences. As the teacher it is my job to create the possibility for those experiences to occur. I think that this is best expressed by the three stage methodology of commitment and responsible action as put forth by Donald Oppewal – consider, choose, commit.