Computer No Class Thursday All Classes DAncing in Fellowship Hall
6th Grade
Newspaper project:
You are the editor-in-chief of your own newspaper. Your job is to write the articles and do the layout for your newspaper. Your newspaper is set in ancient egypt in one of the three time periods you studied in Social Studies.
Step 1. Create your content.
You need to write articles for the following sections:
- Headline Story
- Feature Article
- 2 Editorial
- 2 Letters to the Editor
- 2 “other” sections
- 2 Advertisements
- 2 Classified
All of these sections are set in Ancient Egypt.
Step 2. Get Content from one or more people in class. (make sure you check their spelling, punctuation, & grammar). You need the following:
- 2 Editorial
- 2 Letters to Editor
- 2 “other” sections
- 2 Advertisements
- 2 Classified
Step 3. Layout and design of your newspaper. Remember to continue articles on other pages to direct people to ads.
7th Grade
Grocery List
Take your Food Journal and create a shopping list for the food needed to create those meals.
Use your shopping list and price each item on the list to see what it costs to feed yourself each week.
Performing Arts
PA Dance Presentations This Friday @ 2:30
All Classes practice your choreography